Replacing Ford 6000CD RDS EON

The radio in our Ford Mondeo reported a strange code: "RICP". This happened every time you tried to turn up the volume.

In the manuals this is described to be a mode the radio can be in, if there is a read panel for controlling the radio. Only - there is no such panel in our Mondeo :-)

So after searching a lot and asking a lot of people, the conclusion is - the radio is broken. :-(

I found a similar used one on ebay, and bought some "ISO CD stereo radio removal release keys"

The remover

The radio came straight out - very easy! And the new went straigt in - very easy!

The 6000CD is protected by code, so I had to enter the code. There is however no nummerical keys for that. But again Google helped me. The recipe is as follows (assume the code is 9876). When you turn on the radio it says CODE. Do this:

  • press button 1 until the correct first digit of the code is displayed
  • press button 2 until the correct second digit of the code is displayed
  • press button 3 until the correct third digit of the code is displayed
  • press button 4 until the correct fourth digit of the code is displayed

If the code is correctly on the display, press button 5 to enter.

Done :-)